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  • $61.00 - $88.00

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Alaska Mint
Silver bullion rounds minted by Alaska Mint

Alaska Mint

Alaska Mint started as a jewelry store in Anchorage, Alaska in the 1970's. In addition to jewelry, it produces a wide variety of 1 Oz silver rounds with themes centering around Alaska. Originally, the art work was produced and the medallions were manufactured outside of Alaska. In 1990, equipment to mint silver and gold medallions was purchased and assembled enabling the minting of the medallions onsite in Anchorage. After starting out with 1 coin design, demand soon brought about new designs and related products. Today, designs are drawn; dies are cut, polished, and heat treated; and the medallions are all struck in downtown Anchorage. The medallions are detailed reproductions of original sculptures, and many are highly collectible with mintages of only 40 to 50 coins per year.


Alaska Mint Products

     • Different dated and undated 1 Oz proof-like rounds, some containing gold overlay.
     • Alaska Silver Trade Units (1 Oz)
     • Fractional Medallions (1/2 Oz)

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