Reference: AMC1992CHINPANDA
Brand: American Medallion Corporation (AMC)
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$23.00 - $242.00
By the 1990's, with a decade of low silver prices, many of the smaller mints during the 1970's and 1980's had were out of business. Several governments such as Mexico, the United States, and Canada, had begun issuing government backed "investment" rounds and much of the market revolved around these government issued rounds.
Relatively few art bars were being produced and many of the privately minted rounds from this era were commissioned by companies or individuals and have smaller mintages. Even generic rounds issued by the larger mints are harder to find relative to their 1980's counterparts. Any of the rounds or bars dated from 1990 through 2000 can be found in this category. Additionally, any undated rounds known to be issued during that time from will also be placed in this category. If the issuing mint is known, then the rounds or bars will be listed there as well. All rounds and bars have been listed in the appropriate thematic categories.
There are 83 products.
Reference: AMC1992CHINPANDA
Brand: American Medallion Corporation (AMC)
Reference: CANMAPLE1990
Brand: Royal Canadian Mint
Reference: CANMAPLE1999
Brand: Royal Canadian Mint
Reference: CARNKOC1996
Brand: Unknown Mint