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2020's Coins/Rounds
2020's vintage 1 Oz silver bullion coins and rounds

2020's Coins/Rounds

For people, the decade of began in lockdown due to the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic. This decade may very well become known as the decade when silver broke free. The first few months of the decade began with silver around $17 per Oz. In March the world went into lockdown and the spot price of silver dropped temporarily to $13 per Oz. Very little silver was available at that price and the physical price remained around $19. The lockdown spurred new interest in the silver market and by the end of 2020, spot had climbed to $27 with a $3 premium on physical. Early 2021 saw Wall Street Bets target silver and the physical price became disconnected from spot. Premiums on Eagles jumped to $12 over spotovernight with generics around $6 over. The physical market exploded. Premiums have fluctuated but remained consistently higher than before the pandemic.

Both collector and investor interest remain strong. New private mints seem to pop up every day. Interest in all things silver is everywhere in spite of the higher premiums and prices. Only time will tell whether the trend gains in strength or tapers off.Any of the rounds or bars dated from 2021 through 2030 can be found in this category. Additionally, any undated rounds known to be issued during that time from will also be placed in this category. If the issuing mint is known, then the rounds or bars will be listed there as well. All rounds and bars have been listed in the appropriate thematic categories.

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