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Silver bullion rounds minted by Metalor


Metalor is among the most respected refineries in the industry. It produces precious metals for industrial usage and bullion bars in the form of silver and gold. The company, located in Switzerland, had its origins in 1852. It was first known as the "Preliminary Rolling Factory" in Le Locle in Switzerland with its primary function being to provide gold for local watch-makers. The company has grown to become one of the most well known refineries in the industry. In 2016, Metalor became a subsidiary of the Tanaka Kikinzoku Group.

The Metalor Refinery has a long history of striking precious metal bullion mostly in the form of bars. Metalor also produces industrial quality precious metals that can be bought by major companies and individuals. Some of their industrial products include silver grain for soldering, leading-edge materials, and refined metals that can be used for plating. Metalor bars in gold and silver are among the most well-known bars in the world. Metalor’s bars are made with .9999 purity in gold, platinum, and silver. It primarily targets bullion investors with gold bars ranging in size from 1 gram to 1 kilo. Platinum bars come in two sizes, 100 grams and 1 kilo. Silver bars are also available in larger sizes from 100 grams to 1 kilo. The bars are either minted or cast, with the large sizes typically being cast. To date, Metalor has only produced one round, a 1 Oz round minted with .999 Fine Silver during the years 2014 and 2015.


Metalor Products

     • 1 Oz round with Metalor logo (2014 and 2015)

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