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Universaro/Mundinero vintage 1 Oz silver bullion rounds


Although these rounds are fairly well-known and commonly seen, their history is somewhat hazy. The reason for this is twofold. First, the Universaro rounds and the Mundinero rounds are two separate issues and at first do not appear to be related. Second, and perhaps more importantly, they appear to have been minted/sold through several different companies. In spite of this, research seems to indicate that both of these issues and all of these companies had a common thread, namely, the owners Robert Grabar and/or his wife, Lela Osborn.

In 1968 Robert Grabar and his wife, Lela Osborn Grabar (hereafter Lela Osborn), formed the International Silver Mint Corporation, a Nevada corporation, which was involved in buying and selling raw silver, silver bars and silver coins. The Grabars were divorced in 1973 and the Utah decree purported to effect a liquidation of International Silver Mint Corporation and a division of its assets. Just prior to the 1973 divorce, Mr. Grabar had formed a Utah corporation, International Mint Corporation, and Mrs. Grabar had organized the Intermint Corporation, a Nevada corporation. These companies and the IMC Mint Corporation carried on the same activities that were previously conducted by International Silver Mint Corporation.

The Universaro rounds were minted from 1972 through 1975. These rounds contain a stylized Greek Omega trademarked in 1969 by a company called M & B Mining from Las Vegas, Nevada which was also owned by the Grabar's. Gra-born Inc, patented the word "Universaro" in 1972 on behalf of the International Silver Mint Corporation. Throughout the early 1970's they were sold through advertisements from International Silver Mint Corporation, IMC Mint Corporation, and the Intermint Corporation. They were minted with 1 Oz of .999 fine silver. Some have estimated that roughly 2,000,000 of these rounds were minted.

The link between the Universaro and Mundinero rounds is based more on some common design elements than on known facts. The Mundinero's were minted from 1973 to 1975 which was roughly the same time as the Universaro's. They don't contain the "Omega" trademark like the Universaro's and their design is different. Many of them also have the company "Wade-Ventures" imprinted on the obverse. Virtually no information exists concerning this company. The common design elements are the font used on the rounds and that the name Universaro and Mundinero are similar in what they intend to represent. It is not too far of a stretch to assume a common brand for the two rounds given the involvement of the Grabars' in multiple silver companies.


Universaro/Mundinero Products

     • Universaro 1 Oz rounds (1972-1975)
     • Mundinero 1 Oz, 2 Oz, and 3 Oz rounds (1973-1975)

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