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  • $58.00 - $59.00

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USPS vintage 1 Oz silver bullion rounds


James C. Curtis was a postmaster in Memphis, Tennessee. In the early 1970's he commissioned the production of a series of twelve medallions commemorating major events in postal history. The purpose was both to promote collecting and to generate revenue. Wayne D. Ashford, a resident of Memphis and expert engraver, designed the medallions. The medallions were sold in the "Postiques" stores within the Post Office. Apart from the first medallion which was sterling, the medallions were minted in three metals, .999 Fine Silver, Nickel-Silver, and Bronze. The mint which struck the medallions is unknown. The 1 Oz silver rounds were produced with a proof-like finish and limited quantities, and each one was serial numbered on the edge.

Each of the medallions commemorated anniversaries of specific events in postal history. The anniversary date roughly corresponds to the date of issue.  The original prices for the medallions were $12 for the silver, $5 for the nickel-silver, and $3 for the antiqued bronze. Complete sets of one each silver, nickel-silver, and bronze medals were available for $19. The issues were minted in the following order with mintages stated where known:


USPS Products

     • 1971 - Inauguration of the USPS as a corporation (4000)
     • 1972 - 300th Anniversary of 1st mail route Boston/New York (7000)
     • 1972 - 125th Anniversary of first postage stamp (7000)
     • 1973 - 60th Anniversary of Parcel Post (7000)
     • 1974 - 100th Anniversary of Universal Postal Union (mintage unknown)
     • 1974 - 110th Anniversary of Railway Mail Service (mintage unknown)
     • 1975 - 120th Anniversary of Domestic Registry Service (mintage unknown)
     • 1975 - 90th Anniversary Special Delivery (mintage unknown)
     • 1975 - 200th Anniversary of the Postmaster General (mintage unknown)
     • 1976 - 58th Anniversary of Air Mail (mintage unknown)
     • 1976 - 113th Anniversary of free delivery of mail in cities. (mintage unknown)
     • 1976 - 5th Anniversary of USPS as an organization (mintage unknown)


Obverse: The obverse for each round differs but contains a common theme. A central stamp relating to the anniversary being celebrated is engraved in the center. The inscription above the stamp describes the anniversary while the inscription at the bottom bears the dates. There are sprigs of ivy to the left and right of the central stamp image. The anniversary rounds which "bracket" the series simply depict the postal service logo.

Reverse: The reverse of each of the USPS rounds features a textual inscription relating to the anniversary. Beneath the inscription is the logo of the USPS.

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